Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Thesis title: “Development of a Source Material in Food Dehydration Craft Technology for the Secondary Schools”

The primary objective is to develop a course outline complementing the present high school subjects offering and preparation of a manual of procedures that will serve as a guideline in performing the experiments and what will then be the output of said experiments.

The secondary objective is for the course program to provide a combination of educational and work based learning opportunities for a student’s career path after leaving the high school portals. With urban based employment growing but cannot absorb the incoming supply of labor, that is, for new high school and college graduates, entrepreneurship in the food sector can offset this imbalance.

As an addendum, the study will only include local fruits such as bananas, mangoes and pineapples as subject of dehydration in the literature and proposed manual.

By: Engr. Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar, Doctor of Philosophy in Education

How to Select a Research Problem

  1. Prevention of unnecessary duplication. The problem must not have been investigated before. If the problem is investigated before, it may be the subject of another study but with different assumptions, different methods, or different ways of analyzing data.
  2. Practical value of the problem. The result of the research study should use to improve practices and concepts.  It can use of those who may want to make use it.
  3. Researcher’s interest in the problem. The researcher should select a problem not because of research popularity or someone wants him to investigate it but because it appeals to his interest.
  4. Availability of data on the problem. A fruitful results yield if data on the problem is available.
  5. Special qualification of the researcher to attack the problem. The researcher whose field is medicine is eminently qualified to investigate problems in medicine; we cannot say that he is qualified to undertake research in other field.
  6. Time required to investigate the problem.  The research should be conducted within a reasonable period of time.
  7. Cost of investigating the problem. Conducting a research project needs the expenditure of money such as questionnaires, tools, xerox, etc. The cost should be reasonable meaning it is within the means of the researcher.