Sample Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework

Integration of technology and vocational components in the basic and general education curriculum in the Asia-Pacific region have attracted increased attention among the regions’ policy makers with the aim of raising the quality of learners and graduates and empowering them for life long learning hindered by an over crowded curricula. In the Philippines, entrepreneurship development was introduced in schools and a restructured curriculum implemented that makes use of innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative modes of instruction delivery open to revision by schools allowed to redesign and contextualize the Makabayan subject.

Curriculum development, being a dynamic process, can be an effective vehicle in the continuing integration of a focused course of learning objectives and eliminate weak general education or described as a shopping mall curriculum. Through skillful school management of systems, curriculum integration of academic and occupational education can be articulated in a sequence of competency based courses such a food science and craft technology, management of integrating a discipline at this level will therefore aim to balance between breadth and depth to provide students life long learning outcomes putting to good use resources whenever possible and appropriate.

Student empowerment has become a new concern in school management. Lowe (1995) defines empowerment as a process of which an individual have the motivation and skills necessary to perform their responsibilities a sense of achievement in the performed tasks in school. This can be learned and put to practice by the student through competencies incorporated in the integrated course that will enable the student to find answers to challenges in performing the tasks required by the subject.


By: Engr. Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar, Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Thesis title: “Development of a Source Material in Food Dehydration Craft Technology for the Secondary Schools”

3 thoughts to “Sample Theoretical Framework”

  1. thanks for the info. it somewhat gives me an idea..

    do you have any idea about the theoretical framework in inventory system in chemistry? can you email it with me?

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