Sample Questionnaire and Data Analysis

This study was conducted fifteen (15) years ago when internet is not yet recognized

1.    Are you familiar with the Internet?

  •  This shows that the Internet is very popular and does not need further introduction and explanation to the possible customers of this project.

2.    Have you tried using the Internet?

  • Although many knew about the Internet, the actual usage of it is still not a hundred percent maybe because of the lack of equipment to be used or they have no reason to surf the internet.

3.    How many times do you use the Internet?

  • This shows that lots of student do not use the internet or use them just once or twice a week while others say that they use the internet only if they have research works.

4.    What are the purposes in using the Internet?

  • The main reason why students use the internet is for researches for their subjects.  Many also use it for entertainment and for email and the least would be the chats.

5.    Do you want yourself to be seen in the Internet?

  • It shows that greater number of students would like to be seen in the internet

6.    Are you familiar with the Web Page?

  • Web page is seen in the internet and probably they are not aware of using it.

7.    Do you want to have your own Web Page?

  • Greater percentage of students wanted to have their own web page and wanted to have their information accessible in the internet.

8.    Would you like our annual seen in the Web?

  • It shows that many students wanted to be updated with the new trends of technology

9.    Will you approve if the information about the Computer Science Graduates would be accessible in the net?

  • It shows there are many users who would like to see the information about the graduates in the web.

10.    Would you like to see the activities of Computer Science in the Web?

  • This shows that the students are interested to know and view the activities of the Computer Science through the web.

11.    What other aspect of the Computer Science would you like to see in the Web?

  • Many would like to see the sports aspect of the computer science followed by the news then the history.  Others also suggested that new technology reports, some sort of entertainment, the students’ extra curricular activities as well as their families and friends be included in the web.

12.    Do you think a Computer Science Web Page can contribute to the development of the Computer Science students?

  • It shows that most of the students agree that CompSci web page can help in the development of the Computer Science students because it is a way of making CompSci students popular.  This will also help students to have information about the CompSci activities. It will also serve as an advertisement to students planning to finish a degree.