Example of Conceptual Framework

One needs to build a theory by using an inductive model of thinking with logic as in grounded theory as Strauss and Corbin (1990) suggested that the development of a theory is the culminating aspect of the study grounded in data gathered. This theory can be presented as a logic diagram or a visual representation of relationship among concepts. As stated by Miles and Huberman (1984), a conceptual framework explains either in graphical or narrative forms the key factors or variables and the presumed relationships among them. As elaborated by Miles and Huberman (1984):

  • Conceptual frameworks are best done graphically rather in text
  • Expect iterations in these frameworks
  • Develop simplified frameworks without arrows going in all directions
  • In conducting data analysis, develop orienting framework, then add prior theorizing and empirical research to the framework.

The basis for conceptualizing the technology of food dehydration process’ as a source material for secondary school teachers is to provide an option window for them (secondary education teachers) to acquire skills and knowledge aside from the basic subjects they teach. Such an innovative approach provides added knowledge that not only enrich the teachers’ teaching skills but can also enhance their entrepreneurial skills as they can eventually venture into income generating businesses in food dehydration.

What is Conceptual Framework

Conceptual and theoretical framework needs to be consistent and related.

Conceptual framework

  • It is a complete presentation of the variables to be observed in the current study.
  • It is the ideas defined in a way the researcher wants.
  • It is understood in the current research, the operationalization of the variables-concepts, the visible indicators or the variables-concepts, the scheme of measuring the variables.
  • It focuses on the specific stipulative and operational definition of concepts and variables with respect to the particular research problem.

Sample Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

The basis for conceptualizing the technology of food dehydration process’ inclusion in the high school curriculum and in the vocational course offering is to provide an option window for secondary level students to acquire skills and knowledge aside from the basics taught in the other subjects that can lead to a path to entrepreneurship and income generation. Prior to the revision of the basic secondary curriculum, the focus was preparing students for higher education less in knowledge base which required critical thinking skills rather than occupational learning.



The paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study and how dehydration technology can be incorporated in the school curriculum and proper application.

The incorporation in the secondary curriculum and its proper application with the end recipient of the study to be the school and its stakeholders as such opening a pathway to career and lifelong education.

By: Engr. Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar, Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Thesis title: “Development of a Source Material in Food Dehydration Craft Technology for the Secondary Schools”