Research Methodology Sample

Research Methodology

  •      Quasi-Qualitative Research

The methods evolved during the initial research following the evaluation of literature and new learning concept in quasi-qualitative research and secondary analysis methods. The literature collected enlightened the researcher’s understanding of practical and effective methods for researching educational phenomena in a technical life. New concepts in quasi-qualitative and interpretative approaches enabled the researcher’s adaptation of appropriate methods for the unique focus of this study.
The problems addressed by this study have been pointed to by research and thinking in system design bricolage, diffusion theory and secondary analysis anchored in grounded theory, with the appendices providing the background summary of said methods mentioned, to arrive at the design aspect of the subject matter which is food dehydration craft technology.

This summary of the combined research methods to acquire data inductively, evaluate it in context and to generate the approaches deem to fit the conceptual framework of the study.

The study drew a combination of approaches: heuristic-technoscience with use of bricolage, diffusion theory and secondary analysis under grounded theory precepts.

Description of Methodology

Prior to conducting a research design, an initial theoretical model was developed using heuristics from prior research and technical experience. The initial model integrated the ideas and constructions generated during the first phase. The initial research activity reviewed the literature and developed researched questions. The literature review spanned the body of journals, abstracts, relevant book sections and references from articles concerning Philippines’ secondary school education in comparison to its Asian neighbors and  across the works of food dehydration process, and industrial design disciplines.

Methodology review was conducted across the qualitative and quantitative research literature starting from phenomenology and hermeneutics-evaluative studies (Gadamer,1976; Maanen,1991; Patton,1990, Straus and Corbin,1990; Denzin and Lincoln,1994). The methods of grounded theory, Actor network theory and diffusion theory were investigated and documented. As a consequence, the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods or mix-blend, a methodological eclecticism is perhaps more acceptable than methodological purism. According to Paille’ (1996), quasi-qualitative methods can be distinguished from qualitative methods in that the latter aim to reconstruct and comprehend lived experience (meaning) stored in a certain way in texts whereas the former methods concentrate on the form of the material to be analyzed and strive for some kind of measurement. It is during the structuralists effervescence of the 1960s in France’s sociological context that numerous quasi-qualitative approaches were developed for adoption into different strands of research. The following lists few of the examples:

  • Niklas Luhman’s systems theory in the cognitive sciences, cultural and media studies influenced by North American post-structuralism; Baudrillard’s hyper-structuralist simulacra theory,  Levi-Strauss’ mathematical equations (1958,p.282) and Pêcheux’s algorithms (1969).
  • Glaser and Strauss (1967,pp.103-105) in their now famous introduction to constant comparative analysis briefly describes analytic induction that involves generating theory that emphasizes the generating function approach without testing thus the term grounded theory.  The theory produced by analytic induction is universal, precise and limited that’s why Glaser and Strauss’ approach involves constant comparison with properties as processes, types, consequences, dimensions and conditions.
  • The bricolage approach was termed by Claude Levi-Strauss for the pieced-together practices that provide solutions to the problem in a concrete situation. Bricolage employs the methods and theories of various disciplines when needed to understand the material in question providing a meta-analysis of the project. This method was used in the computer simulation modeling of the proposed design of the food dehydrator and is also current in the computer modeling research method.

Research Design Rationale

The heuristic-technoscience approach in the secondary analysis method includes the following processes: initial engagement (in the study of food dehydration), immersion in the technological processes; incubation, and illumination to the different food dehydration methods; explication and creative synthesis to arrive at a proposed design.

Secondary data were used in the analysis to inform, confirm and constrain the mathematical interpretation and subsequently the design of the food dehydrator and the accompanying process steps in dehydration.

An overview of the diffusion theory and its application in this dissertation provides a framework for examining how diffusion theory can be applied to the adoption of food dehydration craft technology. Disciplines ranging from agriculture to management which includes education to marketing have used diffusion theory to increase the adoption of innovative ideas, methods and products. Everett M. Rogers (1995), the best known scholar in the area of diffusion research who wrote the book Diffusion of Innovations (4th Ed,2003), is the most often cited work dealing with diffusion. As Rogers (2003) points out, diffusion is not the single encompassing theory but several theoretical perspectives, a meta-theory related to the overall concept of diffusion. Rogers (1997) defines diffusion as the process by which innovations are introduced and communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system.

Rogers’ definition contains four elements that are present in the diffusion of innovation process. The four main elements are:

  1. Innovation – an idea, practices, or objects that is perceived as knew by an individual or other unit of adoption.
  2. Communication channels – the means by which messages get from one individual to another.
  3. Time – the three time factors are:

(a) innovation-decision process
(b) relative time with which an innovation is adopted by an individual or group.
(c) innovation’s rate of adoption.
4. Social system – a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal and the education field is one social system.
An innovation is an idea, practice or object that is perceived to be new by an individual and communication is a process in which participants create and share information with one another to reach a common goal (Rogers,2003). This diffusion research focuses on five elements as shown by the conceptual model: a) the characteristics of an innovation as a new learning concept; b) the teachers or learners that consider adopting the concept; c) the characteristics of the individuals that may likely adopt an innovative method or process who are the teachers and other learners, they who are open to new ways of delivering knowledge; d) the consequences for a social sector that is added knowledge and new practice paradigm in education; and e) communication channels used to process the information to flow through networks – through the teachers and other learners.

In diffusion theory terms, teachers as potential adopters are influenced in several ways. Firstly, the assumed shared values of teachers as being caring educators, wanting the best for his/her students and secondly, implicitly to improve their teaching approach and infuse innovative methods in learning concepts.

Hence much of research literature concerned with change and innovation in education and other related fields has been strongly informed and influenced by the tenets of diffusion theory. Typically applied to the study of technology based change, diffusion theory is consistent with many of the commonly used frameworks that account for change in education.

The instructional philosophy and goal in diffusion theory as applied to education is similar to those applied in the management of an organization with the end view of change or introduction of a better product or system personified by the teachers and their students as envisioned by the education establishment.

Cause and Effect Analysis in Philippine Education
The present research applies the root cause analysis to the problem besetting the Makabayan learning area which is a reflection of today’s Philippine education and uses the Ishikawa diagram or fishbone diagram due to its appearance after its originator, Kaoru Ishikawa. The “Effect” is a desirable or undesirable situation produced by a system of causes which becomes the ISSUE. The causes are grouped into four basic categories which, in the field of education, constitute the equipment, policies, procedures and the people. The fish bone diagram basically explains the causes of the problem that the Makabayan subject was and will continually confront until there is a clear delineation of what the learning area wants to impart to its learners, the students and their teachers.

Sample Problem Statement

The Problem

Food processing and preservation transforms raw foods such as meat, vegetables, fruits and marine products into tasty, nutritious and safe to eat foods. Fruits in particular deteriorate when it has reached its stage of ripeness. In various processing methods employed, dehydration is an intermediate step in turning raw agricultural products into retail products. Dehydration makes the conventional food and pharmaceutical industries possible and profitable (Francis,2000). Dehydration under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity to a specific point and in a given time ensures superior quality of the finished product. Dehydration is one of the oldest processing techniques that offer a means of preserving foods especially fruits in a stable and safe condition. It also provides extended shelf life to fresh fruits. It is estimated that drying costs less than canning and one-fourth as much as freezing.

Dehydration techniques at present either employ solar drying methods or mechanically heated air (Nury,,1973). The equipment used for dehydration depends to a large extent upon the nature of the product being dried, the desired form of the finished product, economics, operating conditions and the technical know-how of the people doing the process (Hendly, 2000).

The technology in food dehydration can be learned at the secondary level of education and in vocational schools as well. It can be included in the home and technology subject in the Makabayan component of the Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC). The Makabayan subject in the RBEC is composed of home economics, music, arts and health education. Moreover, food dehydration technology can be offered as a new two-year course in vocational schools to give high school graduates who does not  wish to go to college an option to be an entrepreneur in the food business and related field.

The competency based format provides the means for monitoring student progress and intended to be the fundamental guide to schools for program content. The focus of said strand infusion is on food preparation, preservation, processing and related consumer topics as an added entrepreneurial concept.

The proposed teachers’ manual will emphasize full class participation and teamwork as well as individual projects and/or study. The teacher handling the subject is the facilitator and the manager of the classroom environment. The focus will be more on laboratory and project-based instruction designed to enable and inspire students to develop high-level analytical skills. Project-based learning and teaching is an inductive teaching method that begins with an assignment to carry out one or more tasks that lead to the production of a final product – a design, model or device. The culmination of the project is a written or oral report summarizing the procedural steps used to produce the product and presenting the outcome to the whole group.

Aside from modifying the experimental dehydrator through design analysis and modeling, an option window for experimentation can be carried out to come up with a comparative analysis on the quality and economics of a locally fabricated table top dehydrator that can be crafted by the school learners as an output or project.

Sample Thesis Proposition


The research study’s objective is to link the concepts from science, technology and home economics to reinforce each other making them academically complimentary. The study aims to give the teachers added knowledge in food science that they can later impart to students. Students, in turn can make informed career choices in food sciences, food craft technology and entrepreneurship.

In the education sector, a new learning concept can be infused by the Makabayan teacher in the present curricula with possible adjustments in the technology subjects so as to fit in the load hours needed to complete the course outline to be made. The Department of Education can pilot-test in one area similar to what is being done in the high school department of the Central Luzon State University in Nueva Ecija wherein food dehydration, management process and industrial arts are incorporated in its integrated technology subjects.

Thesis Scope and Statement of the Problem

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to develop a source material in food dehydration craft technology which can be used by Makabayan teachers in teaching food dehydration in the Home Economics class. The purpose of the study is to answer the following questions:

  1. What will be the contents of the source material?
  2. What content/s is/are most applicable and doable for practical use of the teachers?
  3. How could secondary school teachers integrate food dehydration methods in the Makabayan subject?
  4. How to use a project based approach in the construction and design of the proposed source material?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The primary objective is to develop a source material in food dehydration craft technology and preparation of a manual of procedures that will serve as a guideline in performing the experiments and what will then be the output of said experiments.

The secondary objective is for the course program to provide a combination of educational and work based learning opportunities for the teachers and possibly their student’s career path after leaving the high school portals. With urban based employment growing but cannot absorb the incoming supply of labor, that is, for new high school and college graduates, entrepreneurship in the food sector can offset this imbalance.
As an addendum, the study will only include local fruits such as bananas, mangoes and pineapples as subject of dehydration in the secondary analysis mathematical modeling and proposed manual.

Example of Conceptual Framework

One needs to build a theory by using an inductive model of thinking with logic as in grounded theory as Strauss and Corbin (1990) suggested that the development of a theory is the culminating aspect of the study grounded in data gathered. This theory can be presented as a logic diagram or a visual representation of relationship among concepts. As stated by Miles and Huberman (1984), a conceptual framework explains either in graphical or narrative forms the key factors or variables and the presumed relationships among them. As elaborated by Miles and Huberman (1984):

  • Conceptual frameworks are best done graphically rather in text
  • Expect iterations in these frameworks
  • Develop simplified frameworks without arrows going in all directions
  • In conducting data analysis, develop orienting framework, then add prior theorizing and empirical research to the framework.

The basis for conceptualizing the technology of food dehydration process’ as a source material for secondary school teachers is to provide an option window for them (secondary education teachers) to acquire skills and knowledge aside from the basic subjects they teach. Such an innovative approach provides added knowledge that not only enrich the teachers’ teaching skills but can also enhance their entrepreneurial skills as they can eventually venture into income generating businesses in food dehydration.

Sample of Theoretical Framework

Integration of technology and vocational components in the basic and general education curriculum in the Asia-Pacific region has attracted increased attention among the policy makers of the region. The need to improve the quality of learners and graduates by empowering them for life-long learning has led to the revision of the curricula. In the Philippines, entrepreneurship development was introduced in schools alongside the implementation of the restructured curriculum. The RBEC-Makabayan makes use of innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative modes of instructional delivery. As a curricular framework, the RBEC is open and flexible in that it allows schools to redesign and contextualize the Makabayan subject. In this research, an evaluation of the Revised Basic Secondary Curriculum Makabayan subject developed the theoretical constructs that serve as a vehicle for the outline of the instructional manual in food dehydration process.
The theoretical perspectives of this research study are based on the premise that:

  • Food dehydration can be integrated in the Makabayan subject of the revised basic secondary education curriculum that will provide numerous benefits to both students and the teachers;
  • Food dehydration is another form of basic entrepreneurial application in the secondary school;
  • There are barriers that exist in the secondary school system that can hinder the integration of food dehydration process in the Makabayan subject;
  • Secondary school teachers are the appropriate media to diffuse food dehydration technology to the educational system.

Curriculum development, being a dynamic process, can be an effective vehicle in the continuing integration of a focused course of learning objectives to eliminate weak general education characterized as a shopping mall curriculum. Through skillful school management of systems, an innovative approach to academic and occupational education can be articulated in a sequence of competency based courses such a food science and craft technology as a balance between breadth and depth to provide students life long learning outcomes putting to good use resources whenever possible and appropriate.

Student empowerment has become a new concern in school management. Lowe (1995) defines empowerment as a process of which an individual has the motivation and skills necessary to perform their responsibilities a sense of achievement in the performed tasks in school. This can be learned and put to practice by the student through competencies incorporated in an innovative course that will enable the student to find answers to challenges in performing the tasks required by the subject. And these competencies can be infused by their teachers through new learning concepts that can be overall beneficial to the stakeholders.

Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework

–    Design principles in food dehydration process
–    New research method and approaches
–    Key learning areas in the revised secondary education curriculum
–    Background of Makabayan Project

–    Dehydration design computations
–    Mathematical and design simulation modeling
–    Source material

–    Comparisons of Basic education in the Asean region
–    Proposed manual for food dehydration and crafts modelling

By: Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar