Thesis Research Proposal

A thesis research proposal is a structured, formal document that explains what you plan to research including your research topic, your justification, and your practical approach or methodology. The purpose of the research proposal is to convince your supervisor, your professor, your reader, and panelist that your research proposal is suitable for the requirements and needs of your audience and manageable for the given time and resource constraints. In other words, your thesis research proposal needs to sell your research idea to whoever will approve it.

A good thesis research proposal should answer the what, how, and why of the research. What will answer the research topic. It should be specific and not ambiguous Who will answer the people who will be involved in the project. Include also the purpose of your research thesis proposal and justify why your topic is original and it should be unique. It should also provide methods on how to undertake your research such as the research design and plan manageable

A formal research proposal at the Master’s level often ranges between 2000 to 3000 words, while a Ph.D. level proposal can be ranging from 5000 to 8000 words.

A structured thesis research proposal includes a descriptive title or title page, an introduction and background to the proposed research, a discussion of the scope of the research, literature review, methodology, or proposed research design