What is Thesis Statement

What is Thesis Statement

Thesis statement is usually one sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of a research paper or essay which supported and explained by means of examples or evidence. It tells the main point of the piece of writing. It also clearly identified the topic being discussed in the paper. In addition, it should generate the interest of the audience to encourage the audience to continue reading.

A good thesis statement should be argumentative, specific and should attract interest to the audience. Argumentative means that your thesis statement should not be started with the fact. Specific means that your thesis statement should indicate what the research is all about. Compose an statement that is direct to the point.

Here are some tips in regards with thesis statement writing:

• Narrow down the topic to a specific focus of investigation
• Make sure to be as clear and specific
• Indicate the point in your thesis paper
• Make sure to establish a direction in your entire paper
• Take a stand and justify further discussion

Here are some steps on writing a thesis statement:

  1. You can make statement or topic into question like for example: How pollution affects to the environment.
  2. Brainstorming. Write down many ideas you may think such as writing down the causes of pollution and how affects it to the environment such as burning of fossils fuel
  3. Choose an answer based on your brainstorming.
  4. Pick up the best reasons for your answer on your questionnaire.
  5. Develop a thesis statement and justify it