Conclusion and Recommendation for Pico Hydro Project

6.1    Conclusion

Pico hydro power generation is renewable energy resources build for simple operation, robust, reliable, efficient, low cost and low maintenance.

According to the results taken from our analysis, run off river in Sitio Catmon has the potential possibility to produce desire amount of electrical energy and is recommended for a pico hydro installation.  The available head and flow are quite more than enough to provide energy needs of the two consumers.  Although the river is being used for irrigation, there are decreasing occurrences of crop failures of the field due to its intensive irrigation schemes to sustain the availability of water.  It would also be possible to utilize the entire 35 1/s flow and more since it is run of river scheme in which all water will be returned to the stream and it taken during dry season.

Also, implementation of this kind of renewable energy project would be helpful to the community of Maluya  There is an opportunity for the pico hydro project to offer battery charging which could help the local community in addition to providing a small revenue steam to help pay routine maintenance of the system.  Based on the survey it seems likely that a battery financing and charging scheme could be developed the annual energy cost for off grid households.  Further surveying would need to be done to determine the exact details of the battery financing and the most appropriate rate for battery charging.

6.2    Recommendation

Before embarking on any hydro power generation project, it is essential to survey the proposed site to calculate the amount of available hydro power.  The two vital factors to consider are the flow and the head of stream or river.  The larger the flow – i.e. the more water there is, and the higher the head – i.e. the higher the distance the waterfalls the more energy is available for conversion of electricity.  Double the flow and double the power double the head the power gain.

Water turbines are generally considered as clean power producer, as the turbine causes essentially no change to the water.  They used as renewable energy source and are designed to operate for decades.  Constant maintenance and repair works will be required in this system otherwise the life of the generating equipment will be considerably reduced.  Powerhouse maintenance should be done to achieve the longer life of the turbine and other generating equipments.  The greasing of bearings should be done at least twice a month or whenever necessary because it will optimize the spin of the turbine.  The two bearings are lubricated every 3 months and lower bearing seal replaced every 6 months of continues used.

The flow of water in the river should be enough throughout a year, extreme flows can affect to the system performance and the excess flow must be controlled.  For measurement of the flow it should at least be done twice a year during the lowest season (February – May) and also in the highest season (end of September – beginning of October).  Since the installation of pico hydro power house is along the river trained technicians are required to ensure long term availability of the pico hydro and to check and controlled the excess flow of rate.

Maintenance of pico hydro is just easy and simple.  It can be done without the need for special tools.  The unit has an expected life span of 4-5 years which can be extended with regular maintenance and used of high quality bearings.
Excerpt from the Project Study for Rural Electrification by Jerome dela Cruz, Kenneth Aquino, Wilgem Regino Crespo, John Andrew Molino and Rosauro Fernando Jr of BPSU.

Sample Recommendations

By: Engr. Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar, Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Thesis title: “Development of a Source Material in Food Dehydration Craft Technology for the Secondary Schools”

After a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby made:

  1. This research study suggests that education managers study diffusion theory for three reasons. First, education managers and instruction technologists’ do not know why most instructional innovations are or not adopted. Some blame teachers and a resistance to change while the others blamed bureaucracies and lack of funding. In the Philippine context, it’s more a case of lack in funding and political interference, but by and large, schools are commonly viewed as resistant to change. By studying diffusion theory, education managers may be able to explain, predict and account for factors that influence or impede adoption and diffusion of innovations in teaching methods. Therefore, understanding the best way to present innovations for possible adoption of a method is through communication channels. Third, education managers may be able to develop a systematic model for innovative methods in teaching not only the basic courses but in the Makabayan learning area which is one of the study area of this body of research, in simple terms:    INNOVATIVENESS = RESOURFULNESS + ADAPTABILITY
  2. Given that food dehydration in some aspects is a technological innovation, it is useful to apply the tenets of diffusion theory to understand food dehydration’s diffusion in the social system. Diffusion theory provides a framework that helps food dehydration adopted, to be explained, predicted and accounted to by factors that increase or impede the diffusion of innovation. Diffusion theory helps the teachers in the education community identify qualities,ie. relative advantage, compatibility, triability and observability to potential adopters. The diffusion framework also provides a closer look at the communication channels used to spread the word about food dehydration, time span and the characteristics of the adopters.
  3. To provide a compelling argument as to the reasons behind the actions of individuals as adopters of an innovation, this study recommends for further research in the actuations of the adopters through the use of the actor-network theory (ANT) perspective. Diffusion theory approach is more of the cause and effect of innovation while actor-network theory traces the maneuvers, compromises, twists and turns of a negotiation as it is translated during the process of adoption. The scope of an actor-network theory (ANT) analysis is to yield a broader understanding relative to the professional development of the teachers concerned or attributed to in this study. In context, diffusion theory posits an innovation (food dehydration) ought to be adopted to be able to be diffused through a system (secondary education), while an actor-network theory approach will be primarily concerned with tracing the complex and contingent factors involved in the overall innovation process and the contributory influence to the education sector.
  4. For the source material, an inclusion of setting up a small home-based enterprise of the family size unit and its system operation and management information. This entrepreneurial segment runs parallel to what the Department of Education and the government would or have implemented starting school year 2006-2007 in key pilot areas, that is, business management for students in the secondary school level to prepare them after graduation and beyond. In the food dehydration craft technology segment, the teachers apply the study of science and technology to that of business management and economics that can be diffused to the students by their teachers as a learning paradigm to prepare them options after secondary school.

In the food dehydration craft technology area of this research study, the recommendations to the new design conceived are the following:

a)    a built-in thermometer, hygrometer and psychrometer should be installed to monitor the conditions inside the dehydrator;

b)    an additional circuit system designed to control the voltage input to the heating element for a stable hot air supply;

c)    the material of construction to be used should be made of stainless steel so as not to oxidize the food being dried because the prototype unit made use of Aluminum which is not recommended for use in food like fruits having a high acid content;

d)    the blower fans to be used should be regulated as low, medium and high for better regulation of the relative humidity inside the drying chamber;

e)    if the prototype dehydrator has been built, experimentations should be done on a variety of foods to test its efficacy to deliver the desired output.

From the design simulation, the following materials of construction are needed:

Table 16. Table of Specifications


System Design

A system involving a small scale food dehydration enterprise requires minimal capital investment and technical and management skills. But changes due to market trends and to keep the business viable, managerial and technical skills are extremely important in any field where income generation is of primary importance, management knowledge is a must and that includes the teachers for whom this research study is attributed.
In systems management, emphasis must be in integrating entrepreneurial technology, finance and marketing strategies instead of transfer of technique only and the most ignored factor, gut feel of the economic factors to be considered.