Parts of the Project Study

Project study is used to convince the reader or audience that the project being studied is the best and most beneficial, efficient and economical in all aspects.  Of course, your project study should be based on feasibility study conducted in order to become more effective. The following are some parts of project study.

I.    Title Page
II.    Letter of Transmittal
III.    Introduction
IV.    Related Literature
V.    Methodology
VI.    Discussion of Results and Findings
VII.    Conclusion
VIII.    Recommendation
IX.    Appendix
X.    References

Other Parts

1.    Preliminaries
2.    The Problem and Its Background
3.    Review of Relate Literature and Studies
4.    Method of Study and Sources of Data
5.    Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
6.    Summary, Conclusions and Recommendatins
7.    Bibliography
8.    Appedices

Sequence of a Research Report

According to Technical Writing and Reporting by Igoy, Saymo and Esperon, research report is a careful, systematic, methodical and objective inquiry that leads to the development of generalization and theories.  To present the result of the experiment or study, a scientific writing called the research report should be made.

The following are the sequence of a Research Report.  This outline follows the usual sequence in research reports.

A.    Preliminary Section or Front Matter
1.    Title Page
2.    Acknowlegement (if any)
3.    Table of Contents
4.    List of Tables (if any)
5.    List of Figures (if any)

B.    Main Body of the Report
1.    Introduction
a.    Statement of the Problem – specific questions to be answered- hypothesis tested
b.    Significance of the Problem
c.    Purposes of the Study
d.    Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations
e.    Definition of Important Terms

2.    Review of Related Literature or Analysis of Previous Research

3.    Design of the Study
a.    Procedures Used
b.    Sources of Data
c.    Methods of Gathering Data
d.    Description of Data-gathering Instruments Used

4.    Presentation and Analysis of Data
a.    Text
b.    Table
c.    Figures

5.    Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
a.    Restatement of the Problem
b.    Description of Procedures Used
c.    Principal Findings and Conclusions
d.    Recommendation for Further Research

C.    Reference Section
1.    Bibliography
2.    Appendix